String to Binary to String
Using Option + Left or Right Arrow Keys in iTerm2
Sidebar Sync with Sublime Text 3
A follow on to: Why I won't do your coding test
Losing Data with MongoDB
Creating a new Rails4.2 app with PSQL and Devise
Creating a new Rails Application with Ruby 2.1.5, Rails 4.2, and PostgreSQL
Losing data on documents with MongoDB
Benchmarking if &&, if ! blank? and unless blank?
Yet another MongoDB one-liner!
Another MongoDB multi-document update example
Back to the topic of speed
Sometimes the asset pipeline isn't flexible enough
Dealing with Mongo time and Ruby Time
mongoDB forEach loop to update part of a field
Rendering PDFs as strings with WickedPDF gem
Trying to speed things up
Trying to speed things up
Watch your ENV VARs
Hello World
puts "Hello World"
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